Features and Benefits

Integrates with your existing annual pass or membership system. No need to rip and replace your existing annual pass or membership system.
Two factor authentication
Built-In Tracking for Check-Ins, Scans, Usage and Expiry
Audit capabilities
Custom branding.
Features the ability to send interactive messages.
Reduces cost since there is no printing or shipping of plastic cards and no card replacement costs.


Unrivaled ability to handle all rate classifications

Family Passes and Memberships. Multi-use Passes and Tickets.
Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Seasonal and Annual Passes and Memberships.
Parking Passes. Special Event and Tickets.

Fraud Proof

Yodel pass moving QR code.
Moving QR code plus the color and code change  makes the E-Card check in screen impossible to copy, video tape or recreate. The pass has date and time as an additional method to verify. Unlike other digital passes, when expired, there is no check in screen with a QR code available.

Patron Entrance with Visual Validation

Yodel offers a solution that requires no additional hardware.  Patrons check in on their mobile device and show their dynamic QR code to staff to visually validate.  All data is captured to track admissions and displayed in real-time dashboards.
Groups can hold up their mobile devices and valid pass holders can be waved in, greatly reducing congestion at the entrance.
Groups can hold up their mobile devices and valid pass holders can be waved in, greatly reducing congestion at the entrance.

Messaging / Transferring



Survey, inform and remind patrons at any time.
Members can easily share and transfer passes.

Talk to Us

If you have a question or would like a demo, please fill out the form.

A member of the Yodel Pass team will be in touch soon.

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