Rapid Sales at the Venue Entrance for Events or Parking
The Yodel Mobile Cashier can be used for the rapid sale of on-site passes to reduce entrance lines. The Yodel Mobile Cashier provides mobility so that staff are not tied to a booth.
The Yodel Cashier is designed for staff to only have to use a single device to sell and scan passes or tickets. The device comes with a built in credit card processor, scanner, and receipt printer that runs on Wi-Fi and cellular. The Mobile Cashier can be used with credit cards (includes Apple Pay and Google Pay) or cash, and it is fully auditable.
Rapid Future Sales and Validation at the Venue Entrance
The handheld Yodel Mobile Cashier can be used to sell passes for day of and future events.
Staff can scan patron's QR code from their phone or printed confirmation email. No additional devices are need by staff.
In addition, staff can look up a customer's account, if customer does not have their digital pass available, to validate their purchase of passes, tickets, or reservations within the device.
Yodel Mobile Cashier:
Provides benefits for staff and patrons
Versatile, off the shelf application with an easy set up for:
Talk to Us
If you have a question or would like a demo, please fill out the form.
A member of the Yodel Pass team will be in touch soon.